International Summer School

Plant Ecology and Digital Wood Anatomy

1-8 August 2016, Cheremushki, Khakasia, Russian Federation

Shushensky Bor National Park

The territory of the Shushensky Bor National Park is situated within two orographic areas. They are Western Sayan Range and Khakass-Minusinsk Hollow. The National Park is consist of two parts: a small section (Perovsky forestry) is located in the relatively flat forest-steppe zone of the Khakass-Minusinsk Hollow on 60 km north of the boundary of the Western Sayan Mountains, and a much larger Mountain forestry is located on the north slope of the Borus Ridge of Western Sayan Range. The hottest month is July with an average temperature of 20 °C and maximum of 39 °C.

The duration of the frost-free period is 115 days, growing season is 150 days. Winters are long and frosty. The coldest month is January with the average temperature of -20 °C and minimum of -53 °C. The annual amplitude of temperatures is 92 degrees. That characterizes the climate as sharply continental. The sum of the mean daily air temperatures above 10 °C is 1800-2000 degrees. The main ecoregion of the Mountain forestry is Sayan Montane Conifer Forest. This region describes the mid-elevation portion of the high mountains in the transition zone between the Siberian taiga and the Mongolian steppes.


All photos by S. Chumakov

© Wood Anatomy 2016. All right reserved. By Dendro Lab.